
YuanSheng solar-light

Solar street light suppliers in Portugal

Solar street light suppliers in Portugal

Portugal has a very good situation for horizontal irradiation, half of the country can reach 4.2 Kwh/m2 every day. At the end of 2020, Portugal has a solar power plant total of 1.03GW, and the generation is about 3.6% of total power. The country plans to install a power plant between 8.1GW and 9.9GW in 2030.


With economic globalization and global warming, developing solar energy has been an irresistible trend. Portugal has the horizontal advantage, it’s a great place to sufficiently use solar energy.


Solar Street Suppliers In Portugal

Company name Address Main Products
LUMILED Luminalite, Lda., Ninho de Empresas DNA Cruz da Popa 2645-449, Alcabideche NIF: 509 497 683 Lighting solutions
INFOCONTROL Centro Empresarial S. Sebastião, Rua de S. Sebastião, Lote 11, nº 10, Albarraque 2635-448 Rio de Mouro – Portugal Solar energy systems
LUX CONCEPT Zona Industrial Taboeira, Parkamado Pav 10, 3800-055 Aveiro, Portugal Lighting solutions
EURO SOLUTIONS Rua Correia Teles, 28A, 1350-100 Lisboa Solar lighting
VALLED Zona Industrial Mós Lot 6/7, 5300-692 Bragança LED lighting
FIRSTRULE Estação Ferroviária do Fogueteiro, CC Lj. 22, 2840-433 Seixal, Portugal Smart street lighting



Address: Luminalite, Lda., Ninho de Empresas DNA Cruz da Popa 2645-449 Alcabideche NIF: 509 497 683

Main Products: Lighting solutions

On July 7th., 2010, Lumiled was established. They were engaged in providing solutions to reduce the company’s energy cost and their business is electricity contracting in the free market, supplying and installing the automatic bank of capacitors. With over 12 years of experience, Lumiled started its business by providing equipment to cancel reactive energy, which helps companies save a large amount of electricity bill payments.


This company has many categories of products that are related to electricity, such as LED lightning, photovoltaic, electric motors, and other equipment. As for solar lighting, Lumiled has solar street lights, solar flood lights, and solar garden lights. With different power to meet different needs.


Compared with other suppliers in Portugal, they have advantages as follows:

– Provide quality products and services

– Provide the most competitive price

– Transparency of the business relationship with customers

– Provide after-sale support and technical assistance





Address: Centro Empresarial S. Sebastião, Rua de S. Sebastião, Lote 11, nº 10, Albarraque 2635-448 Rio de Mouro – Portugal

Main Products: Solar energy systems

Infocontrol was established in 1984, it was engaged in industrial automation and Building Components and Systems commercialization. In order to better serve customers, the company through three main ways to achieve that:

First, they show all respect to customers and take care of the company’s image.

Second, they carry out the tasks with innovation and efficiency.

Last but not least, caring more about teamwork.


Solar public lighting in Infocontrol cooperated with Sunna Design, let’s see how it works.

  1. With integrated solar panels. During the day, solar panels collected sun power and transform it into electricity.
  2. Using Nimh battery. The battery can store electricity and discharge it.
  3. With high-performance LED chips. The LED chips are all high brightness, lumens can reach 164lm/w.
  4. Connected with phone apps. The light program was totally controlled by SunnApp Application. Customers can turn on/off automatically.



Address: Zona Industrial Taboeira, Parkamado Pav 10, 3800-055 Aveiro, Portugal

Main Products: Lighting solutions

LUX CONCEPT is a completed company that combined the development, production, and installation of LED lights. Starting its business in 2008, the company has been the leading company in several fields, such as industry, sport, offices, architecture, decoration, etc.

To meet different requirements, LUX CONCEPT developed 14 categories of lighting fixtures, they are LED public lighting, LED Sports lighting, LED traffic lighting, industrial lights, decorative lights, etc. During the past decades, the company has finished hundreds of lighting projects in Portugal and worldwide. They have won a great reputation from their customers. Check the company website to get more details.



Address: Rua Correia Teles, 28A, 1350-100 Lisboa

Main Products: Solar lighting

Euro Solutions was combined by a highly creative, dynamic team, with rich experience in this area, it was dedicated to researching, designing, developing, and manufacturing high-tech innovative products. During the past 20 years, they successfully created different products for customers’ different applications. The company uses its brand or customer’s OEM brand, and they confirm the whole process is secret.


According to different application scenarios, EURO SOLUTIONS has LED technology solar lamps, solar decorative lights, solar way markers, solar lighting and beaconing, Smart Solar Pillar, etc. LED technology solar lamps are usually designed for customers’ needs. Compared with traditional light bulbs, LED bulbs has about 50,000 hours of lifetime, and with solar panel and battery, LED solar lamps reduced costs. It can be automatically turned on or turned off.




Address: Zona Industrial Mós Lot 6/7, 5300-692 Bragança

Main Products: LED lighting

The founder of VALLED has over 20 years of experience in the electrical and industrial assembly field. VALLED concentrated on automatic-public lighting, the infrastructure of automatic electric pumps, and energy solutions. The company has an independent and innovative technological development department, to provide customization services to clients.


Valled has 6 series solar street lights, they are in different heights to fit different applications. From 14M to 4M, they are MAMMOTH, GIRAFFE, GAZELLE, MEERKAT, WOODPECKER, and KANGAROO. The six series are in different configurations, kindly check the website to see which one is the most suitable for you.




Address: Estação Ferroviária do Fogueteiro, CC Lj. 22, 2840-433 Seixal, Portugal

Main Products: Smart street lighting

FIRST RULE SA. Is a Portuguese engineering company, it majored in three fields: renewable energy, telecommunication infrastructures, and public lighting. During the past decades, the company has finished 174 power plants, and the total power can reach 11MW. Certified by EDP and the power between 13W-195W, FIRSTRULE’s lights satisfied all the needs of Portuguese public lighting, especially the high-speed way, Main and complementary itineraries, and national and municipal roads.


Final words


Portugal has great requirements to develop solar energy, whether solar power plant or solar street lights. These two kinds of products are all good to reduce carbon dioxide emissions.

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